The simplest way to heat
foods with precision
Information about ContactLine
Intelligent heating technology in ContactLine - what does that mean?
In ContactLine the contact heating is integrated into the tray through intelligent temperature sensors. Energy flows via the heating zones into the dishware of the hot food components. This gentle heating technology guarantees not only perfect eating temperatures, but also ensures that the warm components can’t burn or dry out. Hot foods are covered by insulated covers. A temperature and aroma exchange between different meal components on the tray is effectively prevented.
Do all tray zones get heated if only a soup is served?
In the ContactLine distribution system, hot foods are heated individually because the power flow is activated by contact with the system cover. This thermic separation of hot and chilled components enables you to put together individually composed meals. For example, at breakfast or dinner, depending on need, a warm breakfast bowl or a soup can be heated alone. The ward carts are available either with control unit integrated into the roof or with an external control module. For regenerating, the energy flows precisely into the hot food components of each individual tray.
What are the main benefits of ContactLine?
- Only as many trays are heated in the ward cart as are needed. Any empty space created by
incomplete filling of the cart can be used for other purposes by the ward. Thus, only as
much energy as is needed for regeneration actually flows into the trays.
- When using ContactLine technology with an external control module, the weight and the
height of the tray cart is significantly reduced. Of course the tray cart can also be made
compatible for cart-wash systems.
- The patented cover solution is hygenically flawless and slip-proof. The inner rims permit
simple stacking.
- The large footprint for plates and soup bowls ensures optimum regeneration of foods.
The ContactLine ward cart
The ward cart is available in capacities of 16, 20, 24 and 30 trays. In addition, it is available with active or eutectic cooling and can also be equipped with a central fixed position brake, gallery and pull-bars.